Monday, January 19, 2009

18January 2009, Sunday Service Notes

yesterday, Pastor Tan Ye Peng talked about PRAYER. everyone is talking about the importance of prayer and i feel its the best language i ever learnt. woa he has so many points to take down till i could barely rest while taking down all the notes!!

the main points of the surmon...
he emphasized that prayer is just like food to our human body, its food to our spiritual being... Pastor Tan also spent quite a fair bit on the fusion of 2 realms. us, humans.

everything you do in the natural world have spiritual consequences.

God is everywhere, he is omnipresent.

1 Corinthians 10:31
...WHATEVER YOU DO, do all to the glory of God

we should live our life in a way we know

Our life is preparation for eternity.
God has put eternity in us.

Love is not love till it is expressed aww man i so love this phrase. sounds so poetic! hehe

God created man on the sixth day after he created everything.

whatever we see God is doing, we should follow him.
we need to get into partnership with him through faith.
you cannot earn your salvation as jesus is the only sacrificial lamb.

its all about surrendering and trusting in God

1. Be open to hear God in your prayers

2. Be specific in your prayers

3. Be persistent in your prayers.

Luke 11:9-13

*the full notes are at the bottom of the post. pardon my untidy handwriting, was using a wrong pen. X.x

after thinking back, i feel that prayer has helped me to bridge up the gap between me and God, its a matter of how often and how strongly we pray together, be it pray with teachers, pray with friends... i remeber i used to pray in school every friday after school with my good friends, but i have not been doing so after leaving the school... but at least i get to go to cell group despite my tight schedule!

last time it was so little obligations, too much time so i got bored. now, the tables have turned. i have too much obligations and too little time! after sitting down and thinking deeper, everyone has the same amount of time, everyone goes through the same phases of life, the world is fair in some aspects. its more of how we manage our time. i feel that we need to learn to prioritise, but the big stones in the pail first before filling it up with sand. this way, we get to achieve more and make more sense of our valuable lives as well as our priceless friendships we have.

its more of whether we appreciate what we have more than to envy others.

Do not compare yourself with others for that causes you to feel as though God had not rewarded you fully...but actually he has, for he loves us all equally.

† ming yang †

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