the reason why i am posting this super late, when usually i do it on the following day right after service is because of my schedule. super packed up plus i need to decide on my tertiary education. its really stressful even though i didnt score that badly in my O levels....
managed to score 11 points for L1R4, A2 for english meant that i had quite a good chance to go into a normal poly, not all those outstanding ones or whatsoever.
i would also like to praise God as he blessed us with our grades and that i always keep in mind that he has greater things in us, so i have to rely on him during this gruelling period as he chooses my next education. seriously i do not want to go JC.... i wanna go poly..... dont ask me why privately. ask only when we are with a group of friends... main purporse is that i am too itred of repeating and explaining.
ok time to get back down to earth and here are the main points of last sunday's surmon.
there is quite a big load of main points...even though they are main points....
the main verse was Mark6:5
the bible said "HE COULD DO NO mighty work there...."
Jesus was restrained. Why?
Mark6:3-4 said that He needed honour.
Most of the time God gives the stuff we want in a package that we do not expect.
Honour means 'a valueing'
Dishonour means 'to treat as common'
All true honour originates from the heart
There are three categories of people whom we should look up to.
1. Those above us. eg: the prophet
2. our peers. eg: colleagues
3. those under us. eg: those who are entrusted under our care
we need to honour all.
Four areas of delegated people
1. Civil
2. Family
3. Social
4. Church
5. Our peers (seriously i dont know why there is a fifth one when there should be only four?)
end of the day message?
below is the surmon notes that i copied down! refer it for more in dept information.
ps reminder again, just in case you didnt see chris' post. there IS CELL GROUP THIS SATURDAY AT NICOLE'S HOUSE, 1.30PM be there early!
† ming yang †
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